Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Army of Three 13: Sarcasm Ep.1

Note: These random sarcasms have nothing to do with the actual games or sources. I made them up based on my first impressions upon seeing the clips.

Dragon Age: Origins Trailer

Most of the higher people in movie and game industries kept telling you while trying to get a job that you should put "NO HEAVY METAL" in your demo reels. Yes, heavy metal is bad if you are small flies because they are loud and can annoy the person viewing your reels, unless you are called BIOWARE or EA, then you can pretty much use any kind of music you want in your trailers even after turning down the poor souls applying with the same song in their reels.

Now isn't this ironic?

P.S. Marilyn Manson doesn't come close to metal in my book, but I know a lot of recruiters would call it metal :D


Sarcasm on Clubbing game and Raping party after the click.

Who are your target groups again?
New York Nights (?)

IF you like to party, you wouldn't be playing this iPhone app... you'd be busy flirting your asses off in the real clubs.
IF you don't like to party... why wouldn't you go shooting some Nazi zombies or enjoying blue alien sex scene instead of playing this game?


Family Pirate Party

When the whole family can enjoy evil activities such as robbing, raping and killing, thanks to Nintendo Wii!