Red Steel 2: Wild West Cyber Punk + Motion Plus = WTF
Remember Red Steel, one of the most anticipated launch title for the Wii? If not, then remember seeing the image below in the discount bin of any game retailer recently?Now you know what game I was talking about. Despite the mediocre stamp it received as average from critics, it was still one good game to play especially if you are tired of shooting the axis (of evil?), mutated life forms or even aliens from other dimensions (Oh! Did I forget to mention zombies?). It had flaws in many parts, but the concept was promising Ubisoft just need to polish thier next sword-swinging title into better shape before putting it on shelves.
Now Ubi just released the debut trailer for their upcoming Red Steel 2 but do not think you'll get to put yourself into some gaijin's shoes and start blazing your Uzis and swinging your Katana against some Asian mobsters this time around...
Since game controversies had proved to be dreadful for developers and can halt games in progress, playing as a white guy shooting up Asian and colored gangsters as well as saving Geishas from evil Mama-san could be considered as "Racist", so the safest bet is to abandon all the setting from the original and let players play cowboy and place them in a surreal world where they can shoot and slash as many masked (apparently evil) people as they want. Yes, I made all those up... just watch the trailer, it really looks interesting!
And you've got (some high on drugs) Splosion Man video and the newest episode of Angry Video Game Nerd after the click!
Splosion Man: This is what you've got when developers took weed brownies while working!
Explosive trailer, that laugh was creepy!
You Favorite Nerd is BACK!
X-Men Origin? Forget about the movie... it's not gonna be crappier than these old school X-Men titles!