THIS THING looks sweet, but 143CAD? I'm thinking real HARD
At the time like this when the term Collector's Edition means nothing more than "I'm throwing in bunch of shits to your face and you pay 20$ more!". Publishers got smarter enough to change the term Limited into Collector's since LE usually stick to lower quantity in order to stay limited (well, what else?) and desirable among consumers while CE means they can produce as many copies of these special editions and sell at premium price to consumers who thought they got something really special (where in reality, each person in the whole neighborhood has the same thing sitting on his collector shelf), remember seeing this scary image (click Read More to see) at any game retailer near you?

This scary mother of all over-supply theory
Like the T2 set I mentioned above... if it's really a Limited Edition (say, 500-1000 sets ever produced) then I would have already placed the order long ago. But when the trend now is that everyone will probably own the same thing because they can produce near limitless (exaggerated) supply of Collector's Edition... consumer with the right mind might want to think again since CEs are not THAT special like the way LEs were.
It might be fair to say that Collector's Editions are just extortion schemes by publishers to take more money away from us. Have you seen Metal Gear Solid 4 CEs collecting dust on game shelves recently? I think CEs defeat the original purpose of having SPECIAL product packages in the first place... I think it would be cool if they go back to LE again, it would be hell but it would be fun... like people who got (and failed to get) this Lineage 2 Limited figurine.
P.S. Although I stated my opinion about CEs, but the Endoskull of this T2 set is seriously tempting!