Monday, March 30, 2009

Reasons you should start playing Fallout 3 (if you have not done so)

Fallout 3 was released for a bit more than 6 months already and it got pretty good reviews. But if what the critics as well as players had to say about the game aren't enough to convince any of you who hasn't tried it yet, here are the reasons you might consider picking this game up.

Behold the goodies* of Fallout 3 (* only in PC version of the game... NO!!!!!!!)

Anime girls : checked

Bikinis: checked

Female Jedis in schoolgirl uniforms: checked

What the?!?: checked !!!


And the following are not the reasons, do not let anyone tell you otherwise!

It's Elder Scroll packed with Hi-tech gears: duh

Open world
post-apocalypse environments and deep storyline: duh

Shooting 'Feral Ghoul' with mushroom cloud in the BG: duh

Beastiality: no, thank you!

Glowing Mutant perform miracle walking on water: sorry, I'm not religious


images sources:
- Ruliweb (Korean)
- FileBlog
- LoyalK*N*G