Monday, March 30, 2009

Reasons you should start playing Fallout 3 (if you have not done so)

Fallout 3 was released for a bit more than 6 months already and it got pretty good reviews. But if what the critics as well as players had to say about the game aren't enough to convince any of you who hasn't tried it yet, here are the reasons you might consider picking this game up.

Behold the goodies* of Fallout 3 (* only in PC version of the game... NO!!!!!!!)

Anime girls : checked

Bikinis: checked

Female Jedis in schoolgirl uniforms: checked

What the?!?: checked !!!


And the following are not the reasons, do not let anyone tell you otherwise!

It's Elder Scroll packed with Hi-tech gears: duh

Open world
post-apocalypse environments and deep storyline: duh

Shooting 'Feral Ghoul' with mushroom cloud in the BG: duh

Beastiality: no, thank you!

Glowing Mutant perform miracle walking on water: sorry, I'm not religious


images sources:
- Ruliweb (Korean)
- FileBlog
- LoyalK*N*G

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Army of Three 1: Demon Blade Deceptions

A lot of websites have professional layouts which separate sections and stuffs but that means I'll always have to open the links to these interesting video in separate windows or tabs. They are good but as a person who works in the VFX industry where you always have to show your work-in-progress to a lot of people from supervisors to directors or clients, I like to keep my desktop (or at least my internet browser) tidy and clean.

So I made this Army of Three series as a place to group three interesting videos I found into one single blog post. Of course 3 aren't enough to show ALL goodies one might find in any given day (let alone every single second which new videos are posted throughout the net) and some videos might be a bit dated but I think it's better than spamming the post with 20 videos, right? So Army of Three will therefore reflect my personality and interests on a particular day.

Here are the three videos of Monday March 30, enjoy!

2D Goody! Oboro-Muramasa Trailer

In this new era that industries is steering away from traditional art style into the styles of 3D graphics and whatever hell these kinda things are (even giant such as Disney shut down its 2D studios), I feel good to see developers/studios (mostly Japanese) that are still keeping the looks of hand drawn arts. In my opinion, this Wii title will definitely be a 'must have' for 2D lovers who find themselves having Odin Sphere, Guilty Gear or any other 2D goodies in their collections.

source: GameTrailers


Ubisoft's RUSE

This trailer is really cool, I love the directing and editing of this piece, although the CG parts (supposed to look 'in-game' I guessed) could use more details in texturing and lighting but it's a decent trailer for eyes and ears.

I really can't imagine how the art of deception would work in an RTS game. In my opinion, if RUSE is a turn-based strategy game like X-com or S2:Silent Storm, the deceptive strategies and decoy mechanics might work better since players who took the bait will waste their turn (as well as resources) and scratch their heads while witnessing enemies' wrath (just like chess where you have to really plan steps ahead and no tank rushes or cannon fodders to easily help you turn the table around)... yeah, this is just me who sucks at RTS games speaking.

You can check out more videos of RUSE here

video source: PoderMortal@Youtube


How Benjamin Button got his face

Ed Ulbrich, the digital-effects guru from Digital Domain, explains the Oscar-winning technology that allowed his team to digitally create the older versions of Brad Pitt's face for "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." - TED

This video might bore the hell out of most of the regular civilians. But for CG enthusiasts and digital artists (such as myself), this is something REALLY interesting as Ed Ulbrich, the visual effects executive producer at Digital Domain, talked about the processes and techs which made visual elements of "The Curious Case of Brad Pitt Geezer" possible.

Really good stuff!

source: TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design)

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Dude is coming your way

No, that is not a lemon on his face~

Guess a lot of you don't have any idea who the hell 'The Dude' is...

The politically incorrect protagonist (or just 'main character' to be exact) from Postal series is set to come back in Postal III and do more damage give more pleasure to the mind of you people. There were (and still are) huge pile of complaints about this game from parents and people, but I believe a lot of gamers played The Dude just to release stress (like me). I think Peta might start attacking it soon, why? ... Check the trailer in full article to see why.

Didn't you see the Raccoon in the trailer?

Just to let you know, I did use the kitteh-silencer (a lot!!!) in Postal 2 but never found myself thinking about hurting a real cat in real life, I still love cats as much as I used to be before playing the stupid game.

Anyway PIII is estimated to release around December 2009 (but we'll see) and I'll leave you with the link to Running With Scissors website which does look like some kinda cheap porn sites and I think some of you might like it. You're welcome.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Go curve some bullets!

Have a bad feeling when you hear the term 'movie/comic based games'?
You might want to check the reviews for Wanted: Weapons of Fate (or what I called Wanted: The Game ... duh!). I wouldn't be surprised if any of you had never heard of the game since it's an underhyped1 game based on an underhyped2 movie(at least before it's first weekend in theater) based on a limited comic series by Mark Millar. I said the game is based on the movie since it brought characters' appearances from their real life counterparts not from the original comic.

After trying the demo last week, I was secretly looking forward for the game (just like the way I secretly watch the movie on my blu-ray disc once a month). Although it had some weird animation in it (may be because it was a demo version?) the game was fun (fast-paced-action kinda fun). I thought it was gonna get some harsh reviews since it has an obvious label on it's forehead, but things seem to turn out different from what I expected.

Well, the video review is just one click away, enjoy!

Here is the video review from Gametrailers's Wanted video vault.

GT has always picky about little details of any game it reviewed but despite the complaints about the length, the lack of multiplayer option and some other minor issues, Wanted: The Game got a decent score by GT (7.2/10) and by the time I'm making this article, more and more reviews for this title are pouring into the internet carrying some good feedback toward the game.

Here are some of them,
- Planet XBOX 360 (8.2/10)
- IGN (7.3/10)
- even the tough ass at 1UP gave the game C+ (which, in my opinion, means 'good' considering 1UP's usual harsh standards)

[UPDATED] or you can check the whole list of reviews of both Xbox 360 and PS3 sections (both earned 68/100 in average) from gamer's trusted site,

I will have to go get the game and start curving some bullets soon.

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Monday, March 23, 2009

People at Next Level Games are at it again

I know a lot of you got excited when you heard the announcement of the new Punch Out for Wii.
Well, may be I'm the kind of old-school gamer who wasn't moved by any of the recent Nintendo's franchises. Don't get me wrong, I'm still in love with the old ones (Mind you, I still can sit and play Mario Brothers for hours), but there were something about the new ones that just didn't 'click' for me.

Putting my personal preferences aside, the recent Nintendo games were built with fun gameplay and high production qualities (as far as the Wii's tech can handle, of course). Think about Twilight Princess, Corruption or one of the best Wii games such as 'U R MR GAY', but apart from those BIG titles we still have something like this Football Game (Yes, I grew up not calling it Soccer) which was developed by Next Level, and honestly this Vancouver-based studio which not many people have heard of (well, I mean if you'd never played the Older Football Game or any of the other games made by them) did a really decent job and the game got pretty good reviews.

Now these people come back to offer something more decent for us. From this new trailer for the new Punch Out, the quality (at least for what we are able to see in this flashy trailer) are awesome. The colors are vibrant, the models are really well made and presented with smooth animations, hopefully the new control would be able to give us the same feeling as we got from the previous Punch Outs (but my fairy godmother told me in my dream that it will).

With the release date around May, I really can't wait to see and try this game for myself and may be this baby will rescue my lovely Wii from collecting dust!

- ripten
- GoNintendo
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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thoughts From Games: Fallout 3's science, Eugenics - Pt 1

If we look beyond the entertaining purpose of medias such as comics, cartoons, movies and games, sometimes we will be able to find connections between those medias and the real world. I decided to make this 'Thoughts From ...” series to talk about interesting things or ideas I found in our everyday medias.

If you're reading this without any knowledge about this game, you can read about it here or even try playing it yourself. And for people who had played it (or even better, beaten the game), did you find something deeper beneath the fun factors, nice music scores and the level of freedom this game had to offer? For me I found the concepts of science and the political agendas presented in the game were intriguingly interesting, especially the choices I had to choose at the end of the story were so difficult they made me think really hard even long after finishing the game. And the topic I chose for the opening article for 'Thought From Games' series is Eugenics.

The concept of Eugenics found in Fallout 3

The history, definition and practices of Eugenics can be found easily on the internet, but if I need to describe it right here I'd unbiasly call Eugenics “A scientific attempt to control and improve human genetic qualities”. It's a pursuit for creating the desired (if not the best) genetic traits in human through methods ranging from selective breeding to advanced genetic engineering.

Although the plot of Fallout 3 wasn't really supporting or clearly against the concept of Eugenics, it would still make persons with scientific mindset to question and (may be) start debating about the application of this concept in the real world (assuming we might face with this kind of post-apocalypse future). Before I start talking about my opinion on the subject, I need to mention that the idea of Eugenics presented itself in 2 events in the game's storyline.

First, the true objective of Vault 101: This was not just a regular nuclear bunker for the selected few (but each Vault had it's own secret objective anyway). It's objective was to preserve human at their purest form untainted by the radiation and cruelty of the Capital Wasteland, that was why this place has never been officially opened for 2 centuries unlike many other Vaults in the story.

Second, the salvation plan of President-unelect John Henry Eden: This supercomputer assumed the role of the president of Enclave which claimed they were continuing the chain of command of the past US government before the holocaust. He said he modeled himself after the past US presidents he learned about from the database left to him but I think he also learned a thing or two about the Führer of the Third Reich since he suggested the player to apply some kind of viruses into the water purifier. This would destroy all mutated life forms in the land (including human with slightest mutations) in order to preserve only the non-mutated human genes for the brighter future of mankind.

In my own understanding, the method of Eugenics used in the game Fallout 3 was quite primitive. It involved nothing advanced such as engineering for the best trait but to preserve the cleanest human genes. In the post-nuclear war context of this game, the pure human genetic information regardless of it's quality (race, health, life span) had become the desirable trait itself. But did it work in the game? and do I think this concept of Eugenics would work if mankind really has to face the same fate as portrayed in this game? I'll have to leave it for part 2 of this article.

(To be Continued...)

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ignorant's view on racism made me laugh

At first I thought it was some kinda jokes, but it's still going on even now so I decided to write about it.

If you haven't heard of it already, lots of ignorant people accused Bio Hazard 5 (Resident Evil 5) of racism. And expert (Anthropologist) and actors had to come out and explained as well as denied the accusation. It was just too stupid (I mean the accusation) I didn't even have to read or watch what the defending groups had to say.

The definition of the term Racism as found on Cambridge Dictionaries Online ,

noun [U]
the belief that people's qualities are influenced by their race and that the members of other races are not as good as the members of your own, or the resulting unfair treatment of members of other races.

Of course that is the traditional meaning of the term. But in my opinion, I also think that stereotyping the actions, behaviors or cultural references of some particular groups of a race and then implying those as a trademark for the whole race is also racism. For example, if you decided to create a hero who is black in a game like Fallout 3 and the only items which could replenish his health are chicken and watermelon (referencing Dave Chapelle's Killing them Softly show), while if the character you created is from other race then he/she can regain health by using any other food items. I'd not hesitate to say it's a freaking racist game.

If we take a look at Bio Hazard. You know what I felt when I first heard the announcement of episode 5 which will take place in Africa? My thought was "Damn! Wesker has gone too far this time!". I would have had similar reaction if the plot in this new episode will happen in Mainland China instead of Africa, because I would think about the number of population, the ratio between population and land space in those countries which will help spreading the infection like wildfire, it's really scary when you think about it. But not a single second I thought about it as racism, since the (mostly) black population here in this story are 'victims' of the antagonist's scheme.

You can sit there like a fatass who doesn't have a life and nitpicking every little details you could use to link this game with racism, but in my opinion if Bio Hazard (as well as it's creators) has some messages for us, I think it's closer to 'anti-globalization' (well, in a way)... and I suspect that people who brought up the issue didn't even played or learned from all the games in the series as well as the latest film "Degeneration" that Wesker, and the remnants of Umbrella Corporation had caused so much damages in another part of the world already and Africa is just their next target, that's it.

I myself had encountered some racist comments toward me before (well, me yellow :D ), I know racism is not something we should take our eyes or ears away from, but we have to look into the
context to see the real intentions behind some comments or ideas which may sound like racism before we make any judgment. Only ignorant and stupid people would take every comment about color or race as racism.

Let's say if we have a game or movie which it's story is about a white cop tracing down an Asian shadow society in an Asian country (like one of my favorite movie Black Rain), would people stand up and say the movie is racist? Although some particular characters might have racism point of view, but the part where the main character needs to fight and kill Asian antagonists is definitely not racist, it wouldn't make sense if he marches down the streets of Tokyo (or Beijing) and fight black or Italian mafia, right? Same logic applies here in the African setting of Bio Hazard 5, the virus spreads in Africa so what's the problem with black zombies? Or would you prefer yellow or red zombies? It's time for people to look at the whole context rather than superficial qualities (colors, words, names) before jumping to conclusion whether something is racist or not.

Someone once told me that anyone who gets worked up just by superficial terms like colors, he is indeed racist himself and therefor he will try to prove (or more like pretend) he's not racist by attacking the person who stated the comment about colors. I did agree because for me, racism isn't about colors themselves, it's more about what was said about people who inherit those colors.

- Joystiq
- VideoGamer
- Associated Press
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